Community Health and Sanitization Snehamritham

Snehamritham Cancer Detection Camps

Snehamritham Cancer Detection Camps Human Resource Department of KIDS coordinated the awareness program for the members of the women Self Help Group n various places. The aim was to concientize the common people about the various aspects related to cancer, to get the disease detected at the earliest stage possible and to be treated, to give awareness on the various factors which are the causes leading to cancer development, to suggest methods to how to prevent it and to give promotive options to control cancer. On a monthly basis KIDS organized “Free Cancer Detection Camps” in various villages. We are indebted to Lourdes Hospital, Ernakulam for the whole-hearted support that they have extended to KIDS with their incalculable support of man power. A team of 10 members including doctors and nurses came to our aid in fulfilling this great mission. So far we have conducted 6 such camps between July 2014 and March 2015, supporting 625 women to undergo the medical check-up


Health on Wheels Mobile Mammogram Unit
Toll Free No. 1800 8891 233